Selecting the Right Roofing Software: A Comprehensive Guide for Contractors

Selecting the Right Roofing Software: A Comprehensive Guide for Contractors

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Navigating the world of roofing software options can be overwhelming. With numerous solutions available, each promising to streamline operations and boost productivity, how do you choose the right one? This guide will help you navigate the complexities of selecting the perfect roofing software for your business. We will explore critical factors such as understanding your business needs, evaluating software features, and assessing vendor credibility to ensure you make an informed decision.

How to Select the Right Roofing Software

Successful software implementation begins with a clear understanding of your business operations. Identify areas needing improvement, such as inventory management, work order tracking, customer relationship management and more. Determine the specific features that would benefit you, your team and business the most.

After defining your needs, the next step is researching available options. Use online resources like software review sites, industry forums, social media groups and AI (ChatGPT is quite useful here), to gather information. Create a shortlist based on reputation, affordability, and compatibility with your existing systems.

Thoroughly evaluate each shortlisted option. Look at features, user interface, and customer reviews. Consider how well each software meets your identified needs and whether it can scale as your business grows. We call out needs because there’s a lot of software out there that has a lot of features but won’t be useful in solving specific pains like being buried under paperwork.

Essential Features to Look for in Roofing Software

An efficient job scheduling and dispatch system is crucial. It helps allocate resources, manage personnel, and ensure timely project execution. Look for software that offers real-time tracking and GPS integration to optimize resource deployment.

Accurate estimation and proposal generation are vital for winning contracts and bids. Choose software that provides detailed breakdowns of tasks, materials, and costs, along with pre-designed proposal templates to streamline the bidding/request for proposal (RFP) process.

A robust CRM tool helps manage customer interactions, nurture leads, and maintain strong client relationships. It should facilitate seamless communication, track customer preferences, and support marketing efforts to enhance customer satisfaction.

Evaluating Roofing Software Vendors

A vendor’s reputation and experience in the roofing industry are critical. Established vendors with a proven track record are more likely to offer reliable and effective software solutions tailored to industry needs. Extra points if the vendor has customer success stories that mirror your situation.

  • Importance of a Good Reputation
    A strong reputation indicates that the vendor has consistently delivered quality services. It reflects the reliability, durability, and efficiency of their software solutions. Choosing a reputable vendor reduces the risk of investment and operational inefficiencies.
  • The Significance of Experience
    Experienced vendors understand the unique challenges faced by roofing contractors. Their insights and tailored solutions are valuable for addressing specific industry needs, from project management to cost estimation.

Effective customer support and comprehensive training are essential for successful software implementation. Ensure the vendor offers robust support services and training programs to help your team adapt quickly and efficiently.

  • The Role of Customer Support
    Quality customer support helps resolve technical issues and provides guidance for optimal software use. Quick response times and effective problem-solving capabilities are crucial for minimizing downtime and maintaining productivity.
  • The Need for Training
    Vendor-provided training ensures your team can fully leverage the software’s features. Ongoing training programs help keep your staff updated on new functionalities and best practices, maximizing the softwares’ benefits.


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Roofing Software Pricing Considerations

Roofing software pricing models vary widely. Common options include subscription-based and per-user models. Each has its pros and cons, depending on your business size and usage patterns.

  • Subscription-based Models
    Subscription-based models charge a set fee, typically monthly or annually. This model offers predictability and ease of budgeting. However, if your usage is low, you might end up paying for unused features or capacity.
  • Per User Pricing Models
    Per user pricing models charge based on the number of individuals accessing the software. This can be cost-effective for small teams but may become expensive as your team grows.

Be aware of potential hidden costs, such as setup fees, training costs, and maintenance charges. Understanding these costs upfront helps you create a more accurate budget.

  • Setup and Training Costs
    Setup fees cover initial configuration and customization. Training costs ensure your team is proficient with the software. Both can be significant but are necessary for smooth implementation.
  • Maintenance and Updates
    Maintenance fees cover updates and bug fixes. These fees ensure your software remains up-to-date and efficient, but they can add up over time. Clarify these costs before committing to a software provider.

Making the Final Decision: Key Factors to Consider

Ensure the software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. Smooth integration facilitates data flow and improves overall efficiency.

Choose software with an intuitive interface. A user-friendly design reduces the learning curve and enhances productivity by making it easier for your team to navigate and use the software.

Select a solution that can grow with your business. Scalable software allows you to add new features and users as needed, ensuring your investment continues to pay off as your company expands.

Revisit your initial business needs and ensure the chosen software aligns with these goals. Conduct a trial run to test integration and functionality before making a long-term commitment. This final step helps confirm that the software will meet your operational requirements and support your business growth.

Benefits of Using the Right Roofing Software

The right roofing software can transform your operations, significantly enhancing efficiency. By automating tasks such as scheduling, estimation, and project management, you can reduce the time spent on manual processes and increase productivity.

  • Streamlined Workflow
    Efficient software coordinates tasks among employees, reducing miscommunication and errors. This streamlining leads to fewer delays and a smoother workflow, enhancing overall project execution.

Roofing software with integrated CRM tools improves customer interactions by ensuring timely communication and accurate updates. Satisfied customers are more likely to return for future services and refer others, driving business growth.

  • Accurate and Quick Service Delivery
    Accurate estimations and timely proposals enhance customer trust. Software tools that provide precise measurements and quick responses help meet client expectations and deadlines, boosting satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved efficiency and customer satisfaction translate to increased profitability. Efficient operations allow you to handle more contracts, while satisfied customers lead to repeat business and referrals.

  • ROI of Using Roofing Software
    The return on investment from using roofing software is evident in reduced operational costs, increased revenue, and enhanced productivity. The initial cost is quickly offset by the long-term benefits to your business.

Selecting the right roofing software involves understanding your needs, evaluating options, and considering key features, vendor reputation, support, and pricing. By following these steps, you can find a solution that enhances your operations and contributes to your business’s success.

Ready to bring transformation to your business with smart software choices? Connect with a GoCanvas expert to start your journey to efficiency and growth.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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10 Features of GoCanvas That Will Revolutionize Your Landscaping Inspections

10 Features of GoCanvas That Will Revolutionize Your Landscaping Inspections

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Imagine transforming your landscaping inspections from a tedious task into a seamless, efficient process. With GoCanvas, this is not just a possibility but a reality. By incorporating ten innovative features, GoCanvas aims to revolutionize the way you conduct landscaping inspections, making them more streamlined and less labor-intensive. Let’s explore how these features can reshape your landscaping practices.

Unleashing the Power of GoCanvas Landscaping Inspection Features

Understanding the key features of GoCanvas and how they can be applied to your landscaping inspections is crucial for maximizing efficiency and productivity. This guide will walk you through the most impactful features and how to leverage them effectively.

Understanding the GoCanvas Interface

The GoCanvas interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring that all users, regardless of their technical background, can navigate it with ease. The streamlined design reduces the learning curve and allows you to focus on enhancing your inspection processes.

GoCanvas prioritizes the user journey with a simple, straightforward platform. The shortcuts speed up your workflow, enabling you to perform tasks more efficiently. As you become familiar with these shortcuts, your navigation will become faster and more intuitive, boosting your productivity at the jobsite.

Utilizing the Landscape Visit Inspection Report

The Landscape Visit Inspection Report is a standout feature that simplifies the inspection process. It streamlines tasks, reducing the time and effort required while maintaining accuracy and detail.

This report compresses the timeline from inspection initiation to completion. By eliminating manual clerical work, it allows you to focus on assessing the landscape’s artistry and details. The result is a more efficient and precise inspection process.

Leveraging the Commercial Landscape Reticulation Inspection Report

For commercial landscaping inspections, the Commercial Landscape Reticulation Inspection Report provides a tailored solution. This feature ensures that your inspections meet the specific needs of commercial clients, enhancing the overall service quality.

This feature eliminates manual data recording, reducing clerical errors and improving transparency. The resulting reports are more robust and clear, facilitating better client communication and reducing ambiguities.

Enhancing Your Inspections with Mobile Landscaping Inspection Software

GoCanvas’s mobile-friendly platform allows you to conduct inspections directly in the field, providing real-time data access between landscapers in the field and admin in the office.

The Advantage of Mobility

The mobility feature is essential for modern landscaping inspections. It enables you to review past reports and add live observations on-site through pictures and video.

Real-time Data Access and Sharing

Real-time data access allows you to stay updated and adapt quickly. GoCanvas promotes data sharing among team members, streamlining communication and operations. This enhances the accuracy of inspections and fosters a transparent, trust-based relationship with clients.


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Diving Deeper into GoCanvas: Supplementary Information

GoCanvas offers additional features that further enhance your landscaping inspections. From the Sprinkler Inspection tool to the Landscape Bid and Estimate Form, these tools provide comprehensive solutions for various aspects of your work.

What is GoCanvas Landscaping Sprinkler Inspection?

The Landscaping Sprinkler Inspection tool ensures thorough inspections of sprinkler systems. It streamlines the process, saves time, and guarantees all elements meet required standards.

Understanding the GoCanvas Landscape Bid and Estimate Form

The Landscape Bid and Estimate Form tool helps you generate comprehensive bids and estimates quickly, reducing paperwork and fostering a more organized business approach. This tool integrates project planning and execution, minimizing errors and increasing profitability.

The Role of GoCanvas in the Landscaping Industry

GoCanvas is transforming the landscaping industry with its rich features and efficient tools. Professionals using GoCanvas report significant improvements in their operations, highlighting the platform’s impact on their work.

Getting Started with GoCanvas

GoCanvas’s intuitive sign-up and setup process allows users to start using its tools immediately. Customizing the platform to suit your specific needs can streamline operations and boost productivity.

The Future of Landscaping Inspections with GoCanvas

GoCanvas continues to innovate, promising significant upgrades for landscaping inspections. Staying updated with these developments can help you stay ahead in the industry, offering a competitive edge.

Setting the Standards for Landscaping Inspections with GoCanvas

GoCanvas can modernize your landscaping inspections, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and data security. By utilizing features like Sprinkler Inspection and Landscape Bid and Estimate Forms, you can enhance service delivery and productivity.

Harness these features to distinguish your business as cutting-edge and customer-oriented. Ready to revolutionize your business? Start with a free trial today. Set yourself apart, work smarter, and leave your competition behind.

Ensure your landscaping inspections never fall behind. Connect with a GoCanvas expert to start your journey to efficiency.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Streamlining Construction Projects with Work Orders Apps

Streamlining Construction Projects with Work Orders Apps

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In the archives of construction history, from the grandeur of the Great Wall of China to modern skyscrapers, one thing remains constant: the need for precise coordination and efficient project management. Today, as digital technologies continue to revolutionize industries, work order apps emerge as the conductor orchestrating seamless construction operations.

The Role of Work Orders Apps in Construction Management

Work order apps have evolved into indispensable tools for modern construction management. They offer a comprehensive solution for task allocation, progress tracking, resource management, and communication. With real-time data accessibility, these apps enhance efficiency and productivity while fostering transparency and collaboration across project stakeholders.

Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity

At the core of construction management lies the intricate dance of scheduling tasks, managing resources, and ensuring timely completion. Work order apps streamline this process by centralizing task allocation, providing visibility into project progress, and facilitating communication among teams. By digitizing workflows, construction managers can navigate complex projects with ease, reducing delays and maximizing productivity.

Fostering Collaboration and Transparency

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful construction projects. Work order apps act as communication hubs, enabling seamless interaction among project stakeholders. Whether it’s updating task statuses, sharing documents, or resolving issues in real-time, these apps ensure everyone is on the same page. This transparency not only enhances collaboration but also instills confidence in project stakeholders, leading to smoother project execution.

Protect people, assets, quality, and compliance ― all in one solution.

Step-by-Step Guide to Streamlining Construction Projects with Work Orders Apps

Transitioning from traditional methods to digital workflows requires a strategic approach:

  • Assess Needs: Identify operational bottlenecks and assess the need for digital transformation.
  • Select the Right App: Choose an app aligned with your requirements, focusing on usability, customization, and scalability.
  • Implementation Strategy: Develop a phased implementation plan with comprehensive training to ensure user proficiency and maximize adoption rates.

Integration of work order apps heralds a new era of efficiency and productivity in construction management, translating into tangible time and cost savings.

Assessing Operational Bottlenecks

Before diving into work order apps, it’s crucial to identify the pain points in your current construction management processes. Are there inefficiencies in task allocation? Is communication fragmented across different channels? By conducting a thorough assessment, you can pinpoint areas ripe for improvement and tailor your digital transformation strategy accordingly.

Choosing the Right App

Not all work order apps are created equal. When selecting an app for your construction projects, consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, integration capabilities, and scalability. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely yields optimal results. Instead, prioritize apps that align with your specific needs and workflows, ensuring seamless adoption and maximum ROI.

Implementing a Phased Approach

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a digital transformation. To mitigate disruption and ensure smooth adoption, roll out work order apps in phases. Start with a pilot project or department, gather feedback, and refine your approach before scaling up. Comprehensive training and ongoing support are essential to equip your team with the skills and confidence needed to embrace the new digital tools.

Maximizing the Benefits of Work Orders Apps in Construction

Unlock the full potential of work order apps with these best practices:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Opt for apps with intuitive interfaces to facilitate quick adoption.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Ensure seamless data flow by integrating apps with existing business systems.
  • Real-Time Tracking and Notifications: Leverage features like real-time tracking and automatic notifications to keep stakeholders informed and projects on track.

Understanding the Basics of Construction Management Software (CMS)

Construction Management Software (CMS) serves as a powerful tool in modern construction projects, offering features such as project scheduling, document management, resource allocation, budgeting, quality control, and real-time collaboration.

The Role of Construction Scheduling Apps in Streamlining Projects

Construction scheduling apps streamline project planning, workforce management, and forecasting, leading to improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The Impact of Project Tracking in Construction Management

Project tracking is vital for ensuring schedule adherence and cost-effectiveness in construction projects. Work order apps facilitate project tracking, enhancing construction project management efficiency.

The Digital Revolution in Construction

Work order apps are revolutionizing construction project management by enhancing efficiency, communication, and tracking capabilities. Embracing these digital tools empowers construction professionals to navigate project complexities and drive innovation in the industry.

Ready to experience the transformative power of work order apps in your construction projects? Connect with a GoCanvas expert today to schedule a personalized demo and start streamlining your operations for success!

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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From Chaos to Order: My Personal Journey with HVAC Management Software

From Chaos to Order: My Personal Journey with HVAC Management Software

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The following blog was written by a customer of GoCanvas to share their perspective and experience.

Transforming unruly HVAC operations is no easy feat, but digital solutions can be a game-changer.

Harnessing the power of HVAC management software, every business process once chaotic, now is now controlled. Picture this: in just one year, with this software, it was possible to cut down energy consumption by up to 20%, saving an average commercial building $120,000.

That’s equivalent to taking 76 cars off the roads for a year. But how did I bring such colossal disorder into order?

Hold tight, as I guide you through my personal journey of learning and understanding this invaluable tool, transforming my business from disorder into productivity.

How HVAC Management Software Transformed My Business Operations

The Chaos Before HVAC Software Solutions

It’s easy to groan when you think about the time before modern HVAC management software. Just visualizing it can stir the old sense of dread: piles of paperwork, manual tracking of projects and repair tasks, inconsistent communication, and a customer service model that was reactive rather than proactive.

Without a digital solution, crucial information was scattered across different spreadsheets, making it hard to gather key insights at a glance. This led to a culture of guesswork, rather than data-driven decision making, undermining efficiency and profitability at every turn.

To illustrate, consider a typical day before the software implementation. A stack of work orders piled high on the desk, each requiring manual entry into the system. The phone rang incessantly with customers checking on their appointments, often leading to double bookings or missed appointments due to human error. Technicians shuffled through paper schedules, leading to delayed service and frustrated clients.

The Transition to HVAC Scheduling Software

When I first started exploring HVAC scheduling software, the possibility of pulling order from the inherent chaos was an exciting idea. From implementation to fully leveraging the software, the journey, though not without its challenges, is a rewarding one.

During the implementation stage, there were hurdles to overcome. Resistance to change among staff was a common issue, requiring careful communication and training sessions to address. However, once the team saw the benefits in action, skepticism turned into enthusiasm.

Just like introducing any new system, the initial stages demanded patience and training. However, the pay-off was immediate. With appointments and schedules automated, the frantic all-hands-on-deck calls became a thing of the past. Technicians could access their schedules remotely, reducing travel time and improving efficiency.

But a good HVAC management software offers so much more than just scheduling. It further optimized operations, enhances communication, and above all, delivers an elevated customer service experience. The transparency and control that the software offered were not just luxuries but necessities that I didn’t even realize I was missing out on before.

To visualize the impact, let’s delve into a case study of a local HVAC company that adopted similar software. Before implementation, their customer satisfaction ratings were mediocre, with frequent complaints about missed appointments and poor communication. After implementing the software, not only did their customer satisfaction ratings soar, but they also experienced a significant increase in repeat business and referrals.

The Impact of HVAC Dispatch Software on Customer Satisfaction

The wonders of technology have provided new opportunities for businesses to improve how they operate, and HVAC businesses are no exception. Integrating HVAC dispatch software into operations is paramount for any HVAC provider aiming to deliver unrivaled service to their customers.

Complementary to improving business operations, HVAC dispatch software also plays a vital role in enhancing customer experience. It does this by providing real-time updates to customers, customizing the service experience, and reducing errors in service delivery. Simplifying the complex and often frustrating process of HVAC service request and fulfillment can significantly enhance a customer’s overall experience.

The digital age has created a customer base that values control, information, and transparency. HVAC dispatch software fulfills these needs by giving customers tools to manage their service experience. They can schedule services, express preferences, and communicate directly with service professionals. Allowing customers to dictate the pace and nature of service enhances their satisfaction and increases confidence in the service provider.

Keeping customers happy in the long run requires consistency, reliability, and continuous improvement – HVAC business software can help achieve this.

HVAC dispatch software goes beyond facilitating efficient service delivery. It also ensures that the quality of service remains consistently high. By maintaining a comprehensive history of customer interactions, businesses can identify recurring problems and address them promptly. Further, it also allows for periodic service reminders, ensuring customers get regular maintenance and thus fostering persistent positive engagement.

The Benefits of HVAC Service Management Software

Implementing HVAC Service Management Software can dramatically transform business operations by introducing a structured approach to traditionally chaotic tasks. With its ability to automate routine tasks, the software helps businesses run mission-critical processes smoothly, reducing the margin for human error. There’s a strategic shift from reactive to proactive management, enabling teams to handle issues before they escalate into major crises.

When it comes to financial gains, HVAC Service Management Software offers substantial benefits. When you reduce operational costs and increase efficiency, it directly impacts the bottom line. This software introduces a level of fiscal organization that manual processes simply can’t match.

By optimizing route planning, reducing energy expenses, and lowering equipment maintenance costs, this software has a significant impact on your expenditures. Additionally, it reduces the chance of faulty installations, lost paperwork, and forgotten billings, eliminating unintended fiscal drains.

What is HVAC Management Software?

HVAC management software is more than just an organizational tool—it’s an operational life preserver within the hectic whirlpool that can be the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning industry. A robust, versatile solution like this is designed not only to shoulder mundane and time-consuming tasks but to evolve with the ever-changing technological landscape and your growing business.

One significant feature is the scheduling and dispatching functionality. No more crushed sticky notes or mistaken bookings; this feature permits seamless scheduling, ensuring that jobs are efficiently assigned and completed on time.

Another critical tool within HVAC management software is the customer relationship management (CRM) feature. This tool works to centralize customer data, enabling more personalized and efficient service.

Billing and invoicing is another aspect diligently managed by HVAC software. Manual calculations and paperwork are swapped for automation, making the process more streamlined and much less prone to human error.


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How to Choose the Right HVAC Management Software

Selecting efficient HVAC management software involves numerous considerations – from basic features to customized functionalities.

The primary factor to consider is software adaptability, aligning software capabilities with business objectives and operational needs is vital. For instance, if scalability is a significant concern for your business, go for software capable of adapting to company growth with minimal hiccups.

Data analytics capabilities should not be overlooked. Software that collects, analyzes, and reports useful data ultimately aids informed decision-making within an organization.

Suitability of the software interface is another key consideration. User-friendly interfaces can significantly minimize the learning curve, leading to quicker adaptation and increased productivity.

Customizability is an essential aspect of HVAC management software. The ability to tweak the software to personal preferences or specific business needs boosts efficiency as well as user satisfaction.

Proper training facilitates proficiency among software users, ultimately maximizing its uses and benefits. Companies should look for software providers that offer detailed training sessions, either through online means, on-site workshops or extensive manuals.

Ongoing support and maintenance improve business efficiency and maximize the impact of HVAC management software. Therefore, always consider the offered support from software vendors. Quick troubleshooting, software updates, and constant assistance should be a priority when making a selection.

The Future of HVAC Management Software

The landscape for HVAC management software is not static. It’s continually changing, adapting, refining, and innovating. Whether it’s through leveraging new technologies, streamlining workflows, or improving integration with other systems, it is essential to stay in touch with the latest trends.

With every passing day, we are more reliant on our mobile devices. The HVAC industry is also boarding this train where software is increasingly providing mobile solutions. It’s about remote control, real-time updates, and smooth coordination between teams, right from your mobile device.

HVAC software is not just about efficiency and effectiveness; it’s also about sustainability. As concerns about the environment and energy consumption grow, HVAC software has a major role to play.

HVAC software can provide an in-depth analysis of energy consumption, identify areas of energy waste, and give recommendations for improvements.

Integrated in the design process, HVAC software helps in designing systems that meet the required specifications while being eco-friendly. Sustainable and intelligent design, informed by accurate data analysis, can have immense long-term benefits.

By improving energy efficiency, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices, HVAC software has a significant impact on a greener future.

Outsmarting Chaos: Finding Serenity with HVAC Management Software

My personal voyage transformed a chaotic HVAC operation into an organized, efficient powerhouse using management software. The difference isn’t just in the numbers – it’s in my peace of mind.

By harnessing the power of HVAC management software, I attained streamlined workflows, improved customer satisfaction, and skyrocketing efficiency. But let’s not forget, this journey also awarded me my much-coveted sanity amid the pandemonium of running an HVAC business.

Now, it’s your turn to infuse some order into your operations and take a big leap towards operational mastery. Don’t wait for chaos to dictate your story.

Switching to HVAC management software isn’t just a decision – it’s a game-changer. But don’t just take my word for it! Speak to a GoCanvas expert to experience the journey yourself.

Embrace the change and channel your operations towards a more organized horizon.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

Man inputting digital work order into a tablet from a work site.

How Digital Work Orders Impact Your Key Business Outcomes

Is your company still using paper sheets to manage work orders? The drawbacks of using paper forms are often hidden, making it difficult to understand the true impact of paper forms on a business…

Woman reviewing data via her mobile phone.

See How Centurion Got Amazing ROI from GoCanvas

Centurion is the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia. They deliver national supply chain solutions to the resources, energy, construction & retail sectors throughout Western Australia, Queensland & the Northern Territory…

A man reviewing data on tablet collected by GoCanvas solutions.

5 Tips to Improve How Your Business Collects Data

Companies rely on collecting data in order to operate. In a fast-changing world, companies that focus on streamlining and improving their data collection processes will be able to do more. The good news is that it’s become easier than ever for businesses of all… 

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Transform Your Roofing Business: The Power of Digital Work Orders

Transform Your Roofing Business: The Power of Digital Work Orders

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In the hustle of daily operations, managing a roofing business can sometimes feel like navigating through a storm. Administrative tasks pile up like clouds, communication issues thunder in, and paperwork rains like a torrential downpour. But fear not, for amidst this chaos, a digital umbrella exists: digital work orders. These virtual saviors offer a clear view above the storm, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in roofing endeavors.

Unleashing the Efficiency of Digital Work Orders in Roofing

Digital work orders serve as virtual counterparts to traditional paper-based orders, changing roofing project management. They contain essential job details like descriptions, deadlines, and required materials, all accessible on electronic devices like phones, tablets, laptops, and computers.

Digital work orders elevate efficiency by automating manual tasks like data entry and material ordering. This reduces errors and frees time for core roofing activities. They also enable real-time updates and tracking, ensuring smooth project progress.

Streamlining Operations with Roofing Software: A Game Changer

Roofing software acts as a digital powerhouse, consolidating tasks like scheduling, tracking, and communication into one seamless platform. By automating manual processes, it enhances efficiency and reduces errors. Additionally, it provides valuable insights through analytics, enabling better decision-making.

Features like real-time project management, centralized databases, and integrated communication tools are instrumental in streamlining operations and improving overall efficiency. Real-time project management, for instance, allows project managers to monitor progress and allocate resources effectively, leading to smoother operations.

Optimized Workflows in Roofing: The Digital Advantage

Digital work orders eliminate paper-based inefficiencies, providing a better approach to task management and communication, leading to optimized workflows. They also facilitate better collaboration between field workers and office staff, resulting in faster decision-making with improved and quicker project outcomes.

Efficient workflows directly contribute to improved customer satisfaction, reduced errors, and increased productivity, ultimately giving roofing businesses a competitive edge. By improving processes and reducing manual interventions, roofing companies can deliver projects on time and within budget, leading to higher customer satisfaction rates and repeat business.


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Roofing Business Management Software: A Must-Have Tool

Business management software is essential for modern roofing businesses. It offers centralized data management, streamlined processes, and scalability as operations grow. It allows companies to manage projects more effectively, track expenses, and generate reports for better decision-making.

Features like job scheduling, real-time updates, automated invoicing, and comprehensive analytics empower roofing businesses to operate more efficiently and provide superior customer service. Job scheduling, for instance, allows companies to optimize resources and minimize downtime, resulting in higher productivity and profitability.

Digital Forms for Roofing Contractors: The Future is Here

Digital forms revolutionize roofing operations by securely storing critical data, reducing errors, and promoting environmental sustainability. They also enable faster data collection and processing, improving decision-making and project outcomes.

Digital forms facilitate swift data transfer, enhance communication, and improve accuracy, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and productivity. By streamlining data collection processes, roofing companies can reduce administrative overhead and focus on delivering high-quality client services.

Switching to digital work orders streamlines processes, reduces paperwork, and improves efficiency, ultimately leading to satisfied clients and better business outcomes. Embrace the digital edge and propel your roofing business into the future.

Ready to make the leap? Research different digital work order platforms, consider your needs and budget and start your journey toward enhanced efficiency today. Say goodbye to paperwork and hello to a brighter, digitally-powered future for your roofing business.

Connect with a GoCanvas expert to start your journey.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

Man inputting digital work order into a tablet from a work site.

How Digital Work Orders Impact Your Key Business Outcomes

Is your company still using paper sheets to manage work orders? The drawbacks of using paper forms are often hidden, making it difficult to understand the true impact of paper forms on a business…

Woman reviewing data via her mobile phone.

See How Centurion Got Amazing ROI from GoCanvas

Centurion is the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia. They deliver national supply chain solutions to the resources, energy, construction & retail sectors throughout Western Australia, Queensland & the Northern Territory…

A man reviewing data on tablet collected by GoCanvas solutions.

5 Tips to Improve How Your Business Collects Data

Companies rely on collecting data in order to operate. In a fast-changing world, companies that focus on streamlining and improving their data collection processes will be able to do more. The good news is that it’s become easier than ever for businesses of all… 

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ITR Economics X GoCanvas | 2024-2025: Anticipating Business Cycle Changes


ITR Economics | GoCanvas:
Anticipating Business Cycle Changes in 2024 – 2025

In this webinar recording, Michael Feuz, Economist & Consultant at ITR Economics, and George Shagoury, VP of Revenue Strategy GoCanvas, provide crucial insights into understanding the dynamics unfolding in the US economy including interest rates, inflation, and more.

This on-demand webinar will help you navigate through 2024 and 2025 strategically—before your competitors do.

Why watch the recording?

  • Preempt the Predictions: “Forewarned is Forearmed.” Stay informed about potential economic downturns and evolving market conditions before they happen, and understand the warning signs of a cooling economic environment.
  • Confidence Through Knowledge: “An informed mind is the best business shield.” Equip yourself with management objectives that will help you navigate the challenges of 2024 and put your business ahead of the curve for 2025.
  • Inflation Strategy: “Inflation hurts less when you expect it.” Adapt your financial tactics with our insights to stay ahead of inflationary trends.
  • Outsmart Competitors: “Stay two steps ahead.” Be the first to act on changes in the business cycle and gain a competitive edge.

Catch up on this webinar to develop and execute proactive strategies by anticipating economic shifts —fill out the form to access the recording.

Check out even more resources

Three inspection workers on job site.

The Ultimate Guide to Quality Control Inspections

Managing a construction project is a complex and stressful process. Among other things, you have to coordinate project team members, materials, and equipment and ensure that contractors are not afflicted by the potential risks and hazards present at the construction site. That said, quality means different things to different people which is why you should…

A man using GoCanvas for the digital transformation of his workflow.

Constructions Digital Transformation

Your competition is finding faster ways to capture data and get critical insights from the field into their existing systems. In short, they’re not going bigger, they’re getting smarter. In this 15-minute broadcast on the construction industry’s digital transformation, find out why the trend is to modernize workflows – and how you can stay ahead of the curve…

A electrician inspecting equipment.

See how VIP Lighting optimized efficiency with GoCanvas

VIP Lighting is a retail lighting and electrical maintenance business that services over 10,000 retail locations all over Australia and New Zealand. Before GoCanvas, VIP Lighting had two separate systems that were impossible to integrate, leading to inefficiencies. GoCanvas made it easy to integrate their systems into single, centralized platform…

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The Future of Construction Project Management

The Future of Construction Project Management

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Gone are the days of towering piles of paperwork and constant phone calls. It’s 2024, and the construction industry is rapidly evolving. Yet, it’s startling how many construction projects are still managed through outdated manual methods: countless spreadsheets, jammed fax machines, and incessant back-and-forth calls. This isn’t just about digital transformation. It’s about catching up with the pace of a rapidly evolving industry and not getting left behind. Welcome to the future of construction project management.

Why Switching to Construction Project Management Software is a Game-Changer

The Evolution of Construction Project Management

The construction industry has seen constant transformation over the centuries, from building castles to skyscrapers. Historically, construction project management relied heavily on paper-based systems and face-to-face communication. However, with advancements in technology, this approach has seen massive shifts. From spreadsheets and emails to comprehensive construction project management software, the industry has experienced rapid changes. Leaving the past behind, we move into the future where digitization offers a world of possibilities across all sectors, including construction.

The Challenges of Manual Construction Project Management

Despite the advent of technology, many construction firms still rely on outdated manual methods. Why is this a problem? Manual construction project management leaves room for human error, frequently leading to miscalculations. Furthermore, processing paper documents, tracking changes, and maintaining communication are all time-consuming tasks that can hinder project progress.

Beyond that, the absence of centralized data storage can lead to information misplacement. This disarray often culminates in miscommunication among the team, potentially leading to costly mistakes.

The Benefits of Using Construction Project Management Software

Stepping up to construction project management software addresses these challenges head-on. It integrates all processes and documents into a single platform, facilitating streamlined coordination and communication. It aids in accurate project planning, resource allocation, cost management, and progress tracking.

One in four construction companies has already transitioned to project management software and seen noticeable improvements in project efficiency and cost savings. If you’re still using traditional methods to manage your construction projects, it’s time to reconsider.

Construction Management Software made simple

― saving you time & money.

Top Features of Construction Project Management Software You Can’t Ignore

Real-time Project Tracking and Updates

Time is money in the construction industry. Construction project management software provides real-time data of your projects, keeping you updated on tasks and progress. This feature boosts project efficiency and transparency, allowing you to adjust operations swiftly in response to potential delays or hurdles.

Efficient Resource Allocation and Scheduling

Construction project management software helps organize and utilize resources efficiently. It assists in better planning and forecasting, reducing wasteful expenditure while maximizing output.

Seamless Communication and Collaboration

Communication is key in any construction project. Construction project management software facilitates seamless interaction between team members, promoting collaboration and ensuring project efficiency and success.

Risk Management and Safety Compliance

The software aids in identifying and mitigating project risks effectively. With features like safety checklists and compliance reports, it helps ensure projects adhere to safety standards and regulations.

Integration with Other Software and Tools

To run a successful construction project, software offers integration capabilities with various other tools and platforms, ensuring all relevant data is easily accessible in one place.

How to Choose the Right Construction Project Management Software for Your Business

Understanding Your Business Needs and Project Requirements

Tackling the age-old adage, ‘Know Thy Business,’ is critical to choosing the right construction project management software. Recognize the scale and complexity of your operations, your current workflow, and any inefficiencies.

Evaluating the Software’s Features and Capabilities

Place your needs side by side with the software’s features. Focus on those that streamline processes, enhance productivity, and reduce costs. Ensure the system has strong scheduling and planning capabilities, comprehensive project risk management, real-time collaboration tools, and robust reporting features.

Considering the Software’s Scalability and Customization Options

The software should grow parallel with your business and offer customization options to tweak it based on your changing needs.

Checking the Software’s User-Friendliness and Customer Support

Simplicity and intuitiveness are crucial for effective utilization. Ensure reliable customer support is available for setup, troubleshooting, and regular updates.

Comparing Prices and Return on Investment

Weigh the price against the value provided and assess the potential returns against the costs incurred.

Implementing Construction Project Management Software:

A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Define Your Goals and Objectives
    Identify the challenges in your construction project cycle and set tangible and measurable goals for your software implementation.
  • Step 2: Assemble Your Implementation Team
    Choose individuals with a deep understanding of your construction project operations and define clear roles and responsibilities within the team.
  • Step 3: Plan Your Implementation Process
    Include steps like software installation, data migration, testing, and troubleshooting in a comprehensive checklist with a realistic timeline.
  • Step 4: Train Your Team
    Empower your team through comprehensive training supplemented with easy-to-understand manuals and user guides.
  • Step 5: Monitor and Evaluate the Implementation
    Regularly monitor and evaluate the software’s performance, comparing actual results with pre-set goals, and make required adjustments.

Case Study: How Construction Project Management Software Transformed a Business

A thriving construction company experienced numerous operational bottlenecks. Manual scheduling and task allocation were frustratingly time-consuming. Project progress tracking was disorganized and frequently inaccurate. Collaboration and information sharing among team members was downright inefficient. The company’s manual approach to project management was clearly an obstacle to expansion and revenue growth. They needed a more streamlined solution.

Diving into solutions, the company took a systematic approach. They identified their key operational needs, researched potential construction project management software, gauged user reviews, and deliberated on cost-benefit ratios. After a punctilious selection process, they honed in on a suitable platform that aligned with their needs, budget, and growth projection.

Before implementation, they provided comprehensive staff training to ensure everyone was comfortable with the new system and could harness its full potential. They did not rush the transition – implementing changes in stages to manage disruption and troubleshoot any issues.

The transformation was impressive. Workflows were streamlined, team productivity skyrocketed, and real-time project insights became accessible. Resource allocation and cost management were optimized. Staff appreciated the system’s user-friendly interface and efficient task management features, reducing confusion and redundancy.

Most importantly, customer satisfaction improved. Projects completed on time had a noticeable uptick, and within budget. Enhanced transparency resulted in improved relationships with stakeholders. Overall, the transition to construction project management software proved to be a game-changer for this business, giving them a clear competitive edge in a tough market.

The Imperative Shift from Manual to Automated Construction Project Management

Remember, still managing construction projects manually signals lost time, high costs, and undue stress. Shifting to automated, modern management systems enhances productivity, cost reduction, and successful project delivery.

But don’t let this digital wave leave you behind. Start exploring reliable project management software right now. Make that technology leap, and you’ll soon wonder how you managed without it.

Ready to take the next step? Connect with a GoCanvas expert today to start your journey to a more efficient tomorrow.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

Three inspection workers on job site.

The Ultimate Guide to Quality Control Inspections

Managing a construction project is a complex and stressful process. Among other things, you have to coordinate project team members, materials, and equipment and ensure that contractors are not afflicted by the potential risks and hazards present at the construction site. That said, quality means different things to different people which is why you should…

A man using GoCanvas for the digital transformation of his workflow.

Constructions Digital Transformation

Your competition is finding faster ways to capture data and get critical insights from the field into their existing systems. In short, they’re not going bigger, they’re getting smarter. In this 15-minute broadcast on the construction industry’s digital transformation, find out why the trend is to modernize workflows – and how you can stay ahead of the curve…

A electrician inspecting equipment.

See how VIP Lighting optimized efficiency with GoCanvas

VIP Lighting is a retail lighting and electrical maintenance business that services over 10,000 retail locations all over Australia and New Zealand. Before GoCanvas, VIP Lighting had two separate systems that were impossible to integrate, leading to inefficiencies. GoCanvas made it easy to integrate their systems into single, centralized platform…

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How GoCanvas Can Help Your Small Business

How GoCanvas Can Help Your Small Business


GoCanvas is designed to increase productivity, reduce the time needed to complete complicated data collection processes, and save your small business money. Learn more here about how GoCanvas can help you optimize your small business.

GoCanvas makes it easier to capture, edit, share, and store the information essential to your small business. With your GoCanvas account, you can easily convert your paper processes and forms to mobile versions. This allows you to take the information essential to your company with you everywhere you go and access it at any time right from your mobile device. Additionally, you can create a more eco-friendly business model and save money on paper, file cabinets, ink cartridges, shredding, and more. 

Often lacking the tools and resources expendable to larger companies, it can be difficult for small businesses to keep up with the rapidly-growing transition to mobile-optimized services. GoCanvas is working to bridge this gap and help small businesses easily mobilize their paper-based processes. Using GoCanvas can help you keep your small business profitable and competitive. 

Quickly share your work orders, inspections, estimates and other documents with your customers and employees. GoCanvas allows you to accelerate your internal and external processes with immediate digital sharing capabilities. Switching to GoCanvas eliminates the risk of lost, damaged, and incomplete paper forms as well as reduces communication issues caused by illegible handwriting. Use GoCanvas to accelerate your business processes by getting information to clients faster than ever, while eliminating the headaches caused by paper-based processes. 

Get your entire team on the same page using GoCanvas dispatch. Assign tasks, create custom inspection checklists and more while at the office and send directly to your field techs. You can even send custom apps and forms directly to your employee’s mobile devices. Use GoCanvas to keep your employees informed, get your company organized, and communicate with ease to ensure everything gets done exceptionally and on time. 

GoCanvas allows you to customize both the app where you collect the data, as well as the PDF that is automatically generated once an app is completed.  This simple customization is enabled with GoCanvas’s ‘drag-and-drop’ form builder tool, which allows you to add a personal touch to every one of your mobile form apps. Once you fill your app, the PDF can also be customized, including logo, fonts, colors, layout and more. GoCanvas’s easy customization saves you money and extends the reach of your small business brand as you add your custom look to every form, document, and checklist you create.

GoCanvas eliminates the need to manually rekey data from paper forms. Integrate the information you capture in the GoCanvas app directly into your accounting software and other software such as DropBox, Google Drive, Box, Microsoft Excel, Evernote and more. 

GoCanvas knows how difficult it can be for small businesses to stay ahead in competitive markets. The GoCanvas system simplifies challenging processes and makes dynamic features easily accessible to small businesses. These include:

  • Payment Processing: Small business payments are now easier than ever! Simply process payments using your Square-enabled GoCanvas app. 
  • Work Online or Offline: GoCanvas features allow users to work offline, so you can access your GoCanvas account from almost anywhere. 
  • Business Insights: GoCanvas can synthesize data from your internal app usage (submissions) and upload this information into a spreadsheet to help you understand your business and optimize your performance. 
  • Electronic Signatures: e-signatures are essential to the success of small businesses working through mobile platforms. This is why GoCanvas created easy-to-use electronic signature capabilities. 

Each of the GoCanvas features was designed to simplify your work and help your small business stand out from the rest. Explore these and other GoCanvas offerings with a free trial of ALL of the GoCanvas features, including our most advanced business tools. 

The GoCanvas systems and processes are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so assistance is rarely required. Additionally, GoCanvas has step-by-step guides for all of the platform’s tools and processes, as well as available on-screen guidance while you work. If all else fails, you can request support at any time, and the GoCanvas customer support team will provide direct assistance to your small business

Ready to revolutionize the way that you work? Take advantage of these benefits and others when your small business partners with GoCanvas. Download the GoCanvas app and create a free account for your small business today! 

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

business people discussing project

Gown Your Business with GoCanvas Partner Program

Join our Partner Program and gain instant access to our global network of thought leaders and industry experts enjoying shared collaboration and collective success.

Forte Supply Chain Solutions Partner Video

Partner Snapshot: Forte Supply Chain Solutions

Explore how Forte Supply Chain Solutions partnered with GoCanvas, combining in-house industry expertise with our white-label mobile forms to revolutionize their processes.

Closeup of a handshake.

GoCanvas Integrations: Streamline your Workflow

Integrate with over 1,000 software applications. Enhance your GoCanvas experience by syncing real-time data to one or all of your business tools.

Connect with an Expert Today.

We’ll help you put together the right solution for your needs.

How to Be Prepared for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Inspections and Avoid Fines

How to Be Prepared for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Inspections and Avoid Fines

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Operating and managing commercial vehicles requires consistent maintenance check-ups for the safety of the driver and others on the road. Since businesses are becoming more focused on delivering goods directly to consumers, commercial drivers are logging more miles and are therefore more likely to experience an inspection check. The failure of an inspection can put a vehicle or a driver out of commission, hurting your business’s ability to operate. Being prepared for CMV inspections is essential for any business with commercial vehicles to operate efficiently.

Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) inspections are safety inspections for commercial vehicles administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an entity within the U.S. Department of Transportation. There are four main types of CMV inspections: daily driver inspections, periodic/annual inspections, roadside inspections, and on-site compliance reviews. Each of these inspections target different areas that could create hazards for your employees or for third parties, but the target among each test is the same: ensuring safety. The inspections range from the precision with which a driver has filled out a pre- or post-trip assessment or the safety standards for loading and unloading, to the operating standards of every system on the vehicle – from coupling devices to windshield wipers.

In the event that your vehicle is in violation of any of the CMV standards, a three-step process is applied:

First, if there are actionable violations, such as operating the vehicle without a valid license or a headlight out, the carrier will receive a citation. The fine will depend on the jurisdiction of the law enforcement making the stop.

Second, if the vehicle is deemed to be unsafe to continue, it will be placed Out-of-Service, meaning it cannot continue to be operated until the items have been corrected.

Third, the data collected from the inspection will be input into the Safety Measurement System (SMS). All violations are recorded in the SMS and a company will be given a score based on the number and type of its violations.

If a company’s SMS score exceeds any of the predetermined thresholds in any category, the company will be subject to a variety of penalties, including targeted inspections, company investigations, civil penalties, and even an order to cease operations.

One of the best ways to prevent CMV violations and the resulting penalties is to review drivers’ logs and inspections and immediately address any concerns that are uncovered. For most companies that operate commercial motor vehicles, this can be difficult, however. Due to the nature of the business, it can be tough to quickly aggregate and analyze driver’s logs and inspection reports, and subsequently remedy problems, before a violation is committed. This problem only becomes more exaggerated the bigger a company is and the farther its services reach.

Companies that use commercial motor vehicles need the tools in place to ensure that their drivers are able to quickly and efficiently log concerns and problems so they can be quickly addressed. If a company expects to keep up with the demands of its business, the only way it is going to achieve this goal is through the use of an effectively customized mobile form software. Mobile form software allows drivers to log problems with their vehicles and make the reports immediately available to every branch of your company that needs that information to solve the problem.

Faster and more effective digital analysis makes it easier to detect patterns and problems in your machinery, and coordination among teams who can simultaneously access the same reports makes for a much safer, and more efficient operation. The benefits that come from being able to immediately communicate, aggregate, and analyze inspection reports is essential, not only for preventing CMV violations but also for providing a safe working environment for your drivers.

Now you can easily modernize the way you are conducting inspections. Whether you are looking to improve your data handling processes or improve the safety of your field operations, we hope you consider using GoCanvas as your data collection tool. Sign up for GoCanvas free and give our platform a try today!

Interested in learning more? Check out our ebook on 4 Ways Mobile Inspection Forms Can Keep Your Trucks on the Road! 

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

Woman looking at tablet inside a large vehicle machine.

Centurian Transport saves $100k every year with GoCanvas

Centurion is the largest heavy haulage provider in Australia. They deliver national supply chain solutions to the resources, energy, construction & retail sectors…

Image of two men in front of kegs on tablet.

Duotank Transforms Business Processes with GoCanvas

Duotank is a bag-in-tank alternative to the traditional keg beer system. The aseptic tank environment enables breweries to maintain the quality of their beer…

Image of Two Men and a Truck looking at tablet.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® used GoCanvas to increase data visibility & compliance

With a workforce that primarily works out in the field, many of the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® locations found that paperwork was hindering…

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2018 Spring Subscriber Survey: 5 Most Interesting Trends

2018 Spring Subscriber Survey: 5 Most Interesting Trends


We’re very excited to begin sharing with you the results from our 2018 Spring Subscriber Survey.

At GoCanvas, we believe that our subscribers should have a voice in everything we do. That’s why we love all the feedback we received this year in our subscriber survey!

We take all the responses captured, create a report, and distribute them throughout the company so that every department is able to benefit from the feedback. We also use the responses to analyze how and why subscribers choose the GoCanvas platform for their business.

This type of insight into our subscriber’s usage and deployment of GoCanvas allows us to better roadmap what types of functionality should be added to the development roadmap. It also allows our team to measure what areas of the platform we should focus more time, and what features deserve higher priority.

As you read through the survey infographic below, you’ll find a number of interesting stats and trends. Here are my top 5 most interesting statistics:

  • Flexible Platform – Aside from Construction, usage is deployed somewhat evenly across 5+ different industries. This illustrates the flexibility of the App Builder, PDF Designer, and the platform’s core features like Dispatch and Workflow.
  • Fast Payback – 7 months is the average time in which a subscriber receives a full return on their investment and deployment of mobile forms.
  • Multiple Forms & Use Cases – Inspections were the only type of form that was selected by more than 50% of subscribers. This illustrates the different amounts of use cases that GoCanvas subscribers deploy!
  • Photo Capture – Still the most popular feature across every industry and demographic, capturing photos gives every type of business the evidence they need to keep the most accurate digital records possible.
  • Multiple Submission Per Day – Over half of all subscribers said that they fill out and submit 2 or more mobile forms per day. This shows the common trend of implementing GoCanvas in operations that are frequent, data-intensive processes.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

Check out even more resources

business people discussing project

Gown Your Business with GoCanvas Partner Program

Join our Partner Program and gain instant access to our global network of thought leaders and industry experts enjoying shared collaboration and collective success.

Forte Supply Chain Solutions Partner Video

Partner Snapshot: Forte Supply Chain Solutions

Explore how Forte Supply Chain Solutions partnered with GoCanvas, combining in-house industry expertise with our white-label mobile forms to revolutionize their processes.

Closeup of a handshake.

GoCanvas Integrations: Streamline your Workflow

Integrate with over 1,000 software applications. Enhance your GoCanvas experience by syncing real-time data to one or all of your business tools.

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We’ll help you put together the right solution for your needs.
