Medical Equipment Maintenance: Troubleshooting Stethoscopes
The Medical Equipment Maintenance: Troubleshooting Stethoscopes mobile app is intended to help troubleshoot Stethoscopes and carry out basic Stethoscopes maintenance tasks.
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As most equipment problems are either simple or user-related it is the aim that the better care and regular maintenance enabled by this app will have a significant positive effect on the delivery of healthcare. The tasks are limited to simple first-line maintenance, that is: tasks that can be done by the user of the equipment tasks that take place at the point of equipment use tasks that do not require the opening of the main body of the equipment This app is not intended as a complete maintenance guide that is the role of a biomedical technician. Neither is it intended to be a guide to the actual use of equipment it is assumed that the user is trained in the correct operation of the equipment.
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