Texas Industrial Hazardous Waste Boiler And Industrial Furnace (BIF) Checklist

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Hazardous waste management facilities that use waste boilers and industrial furnaces for waste gasification or waste-to-energy operations can benefit from the use of the Texas Industrial Hazardous Waste Boiler And Industrial Furnace (BIF) Checklist app.

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This app helps incinerators of industrial hazardous waste, including solid waste and other types of waste as waste fuel, to follow the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations for operators of these boilers and incinerators (including cement kilns, oil-fired burners, coal-fired burners, and other fuel boilers which burn waste fuel). The app reviews safety standards in depth, which are organized in the following sections: Required Information, General Information, Incorporated Facility Standards, Analysis, and Feed Rate Monitoring, Fugitive Emissions, Operation of Automatic Hazardous Waste Feed Cut Off system, Monitoring and Inspections, Recordkeeping, and Emissions Standards. Facilities which operate burning incinerators for waste can ensure they hold themselves to specific performance standards and maintain compliance with administrative codes related to hazardous waste incinerators through the Texas Industrial Hazardous Waste Boiler And Industrial Furnace (BIF) Checklist app. As these facilities become more common in the waste stream and disposal process, proper controls must be in place, and this app helps to ensure that is the case. Inspectors and/or a safety manager can use the app to conduct a full safety review based on commission standards, ensure operations of waste incinerators are within emissions limits and record all notes and findings within the app. The app also records items that need corrective action due to a failure to meet standards set by the RCRA, or because they are not in full compliance with permitted usage or emissions limits.

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