Compensatory Mitigation Information and Checklist

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The Compensatory Mitigation Information and Checklist is a wetland compensatory mitigation checklist and information app that can be used to check that a compensatory mitigation plan or proposal meets certain criteria.

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This app helps to check that a compensatory plan is in place if (1) the project will result in 10,000 square feet or greater of permanent wetland impact; (2) the project will alter the course of or disturb 200 linear feet or more of wetland banks; (3) the project involves construction of a pond with more than 20,000 square feet of impact in a wetland or surface water; and (4) the project involves only the installation of accessory docking structures or the construction of new shoreline structures and breakwaters, or includes such work in combination with other qualifying criteria.

In the event the above criteria are met, a compensatory mitigation plan must be submitted to protect wetland functions and values that are  impacted by the mitigation projects. The app checks for upland buffer preservation, wetland restoration, wetland creation, payment in-lieu of of the previous three means of mitigation if they are not possible. Compensatory mitigation provides financial assurances that the loss of wetlands, damage to aquatic life, and impacts to a wetland area or site during a construction project. Restoration of a wetland's natural resources as well as its fish and wildlife is always preferred, however, in the event damage to those is irreversible, financial resources can help to create a new habitat or wetland, or restore functions for a wetland in another way.

  • Submission Editing
  • Reference Data
  • Dispatch
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